Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My First Post

I must admit that I never thought that I would be creating a blog. I am one of those semi-traditional types who feels that the world has become too technologically advanced. Our kids don't know how to talk to one another, they only know how to text. My Space and Facebook are where kids go to "hang out" and chat. What happened to meeting at Godfather's Pizza or some other local joint and having a soda and a good gossip session? Kind of impersonal in my opinion but who am I to judge.

Flashback to October. While vacationing in Jamaica, Matt and I met some fabulous people who we are honored to consider friends. One couple, David and Tiffany, sent us a Christmas e-mail with a link to their blogspot. A blogspot...what's that? I clicked on the link and voila. How cool is this?!? Pictures, stories, a virtual glimpse in to their daily lives. I got to see what Noah looked like yesterday, not the 3 month old portrait I saw on the bus. After reading I felt like I knew them even better. Basically it's a way to keep in touch with people without really keeping in touch. I know, ironic from the semi-traditionalist. But I have come to the realization that if I truly wanted to stay in touch with all of my friends, I would be on the phone about 12 hours a day. I am honest enough to admit that is impossible.

So here we are...the inception of Bjerke's Blog. I will definitely be learning as I go but I know that I have friends out there who will probably help me if I ask. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Well holy cow! I just happened to notice that my pitifully low number of followers increased by one today... and that led me to your new blog. How exciting! You'll really love's a fantastic form of therapy. :) So glad to see you online. You know I'll be checking in often! - Tif
